This web site provides information about the international Burn Care Standards (iBCS) originally created in 2003.
About iBCS
Following publication of the National Burn Care Review (NBCR) in 2001, the need to implement its recommendations were recognised by the creation of the UK National Burn Care Group (NBCG) in 2003.
The iBCS were developed by a committee made up of UK National Health Service professional staff and patient charities and patient and family representatives.
In conjunction with NHS England and the Burn Care CRG, it is the intention to agree a programme across England and Wales for annual burn service self-assessment, augmented by external review every 3 to 5 years.
The international Burn Care Standards (iBCS) are not intended to be static and unchanging over time. However there is a clear need for any changes to be carefully considered to ensure there is data consistency. This allows burn services to see how their own performance against the international Burn Care Standards (iBCS) changes over time with repeated assessments, whether these are self assessments are done by external assessors.
To support the usage and the collection of international Burn Care Standards (iBCS) data, we have produced the iBCS Assessment software. This web-enabled software is designed to support the iBCS assessment process and centrally collect scores.